Fundraising Strategy in Escalating the Receipt of Zakat Funds at the Zakat Institution in Metro City

Anggoro Sugeng, Ananto Triwibowo, Aulia Ranny Priyatna


This study aims to determine the application of fundraising (methods, objectives, principles, and constraints) in zakat institutions in Metro City consisting of LazisNU, LazisMU, and Daarut Tauhiid Peduli in collecting zakat funds. This research is qualitative research, with interviews as a technique for finding data. The object of research is zakat institutions in Metro City consisting of LazisNU, LazisMU, and Daarut Tauhiid Peduli. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of fundraising strategies at zakat institutions in Metro namely Daarut Tauhiid Peduli, LazisMU, and LazisNU, has been following fundraising strategies. This can be seen from the use of direct fundraising methods and indirect fundraising methods. The objectives of fundraising also focus on five objectives, namely: raising funds; raising muzakki; improving the image of zakat institutions; gathering sympathizers and relationships; and increasing muzakki satisfaction. Meanwhile, the principles of fundraising are following the principle of asking; the principle of dealing with others; the principle of selling; the principle of trust and public relations; and the principle of saying thank you. The obstacles faced by zakat institutions in Metro City are divided into two, namely internal and external.  The internal obstacle is the limited human resources who serve as fundraisers, so the solution is to add human resources both alumni of Sharia Economics who have not worked and the general public who have competence, to assist in reducing unemployment and trigger an increase in the receipt of zakat funds. While the external obstacle is the lack of public understanding of the obligation of zakat, the solution is socialization and literacy of the obligation of zakat as a whole.


Constraints; Fundraising; Methods; Objectives; and Principles.

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Tasharruf: Journal Economics and Bussiness of Islam is published by Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

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