Implementation of Human Capital Management on Economic Performance in Indonesia: An Islamic Legal Perspective

Syahrul Mubarak Subeitan, Chicilya Farradila Awumbas, Muliadi Nur, Hadia Sohail, Nurlaila Isima


This research aims to investigate the influence of Human Capital Management from an Islamic legal perspective on economic performance, focusing on implementation in Indonesia. Research methods include qualitative research with the use of library research to explore relevant reference sources. Besides that, the approach in this research is juridical-normative to analyse the concepts of Human Capital Management, recruitment, selection, training and performance management. This research also considers the legal and ethical aspects of human resource management. In analysing the concept of Human Capital Management, this research highlights human capital development strategies. By law economy Islam, this research explores Islamic principles in human resource management. The research results show that Human Capital Management can improve economic performance, create an ethical work environment, and positively contribute to sustainable economic development. Meanwhile, from an Islamic law perspective, human capital is still in line with elements of Sharia economic law in terms of wages, employee development, and conformity with Islamic principles in classifying people in the world of work. Thus, the implementation of Human Capital Management, which pays attention to Islamic values , not only supports business growth but is also in line with the principles of justice and prosperity in Indonesia.


Human Capital Management, Economic Performance, Islamic Law

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Tasharruf: Journal Economics and Bussiness of Islam is published by Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado

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