Evra Willya, Nenden Herawati, Masita Olii


This research aims to analyze the judges' considerations in deciding the case of marriage dispensation at the Bitung Religious Court in case Numbers 157/Pdt.P/2019/PA.Bitg and 130/Pdt.P/2020/PA Bitg. The research method used is the empirical juridical method with a qualitative-descriptive approach, while the data collection techniques use interview and documentation techniques. Subsequently, the results showed that the judge accepted the marriage dispensation application in case Number 157/Pdt.P/2019/PA.Bitg by considering the close relationship between the applicant's child and prospective husband and determining that a postponement would cause more harm than good. Also, he was determined to be independent, mature, and have a permanent job. Meanwhile, in case Number 130/Pdt.P/2020/PA.Bitg, the judge refused because the prospective husband was not ready to function as the head of the family, in terms of economics and religious knowledge. An acceptance of the marriage was thereby considered more harmful than beneficial, as the husband was feared to be unable to execute his obligations. Therefore, the judges' consideration in deciding the application for marriage dispensation in cases Number 157/Pdt.P/2019/PA.Bitg and 130/Pdt.P/2020/PA.Bitg was based on the harms and benefits to be obtained by both applicants.


Keywords: Judges' Consideration; Marriage Dispensation; Benefits; Harms; Bitung Religious Court

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