Delmus Puneri Salim


Abstract. Relations between religions have been formulated in terms of religion in
Indonesia. Often interreligious relations are formulated in 'religious harmony' and often
the understanding of the term is influenced by the concept of 'religious freedom'. Indonesia
launched Tri Harmony in preventing people from getting caught up in unnecessary
conflicts, namely Inter-Religious Harmony, Religious Harmony and Harmony between
Religious People and the Government. A political formula that is practically expected to be
able to manage religious people. Although this formulation is not a theological formula,
this formula is intended not to be involved in conflict with one another, or so that in the
religious community there is no attempt to tackle each other. However, the term religious
freedom is often understood as a major part of religious harmony. Freedom of religion
emphasizes the right of every citizen individually to be able to believe and practice the
teachings and beliefs of a trusted religion. Both of these terms affect relations between
religions in Indonesia.
Keywords: Harmony, Freedom, Religion, Indonesia,.
Abstrak. Relasi antar agama telah dirumuskan dalam istilah yang beragama di
Indonesia. Seringkali relasi antar agama dirumuskan dalam bahasa ‘kerukunan agama’
dan sering juga pemahaman istilah tersebut dipengaruhi oleh keonsep ‘kebebasan
beragama’. Indonesia mencanangkan Tri Kerukunan untuk mencegah agar orang tidak
terjebak dalam konflik-konflik yang tidak perlu, yaitu Kerukunan Antar-Umat Beragama,
Kerukunan Intern-Umat Beragama dan Kerukunan Antara Umat Beragama dengan
Pemerintah. Suatu rumusan politik yang secara praktis diharapkan dapat mengelola
umat beragama. Meskipun rumusan ini bukanlah suatu rumusan teologi, tetapi rumusan
ini dimaksudkan agar tidak terlibat konflik satu sama lain, ataupun agar di dalam diri
umat beragama tidak ada upaya saling menjegal. Namun demikian, istilah kebebasan
beragama sering dipahami sebagai bagian utama dari kerukunan umat beragama.
Kebebasan beragama menekankan hak setiap warga secara individu untuk bisa meyakini
dan mengamalkan ajaran dan keyakinan agama yang dipercaya. Kedua istilah ini
mempengaruhi relasi antar agama di Indonesia.
Keywords: Kerukunan, Kebebasan, Beragama, Indonesia.

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