Kajian Tafsir Mufassir di Indonesia

Rithon Igisani


Abstract. This article described the interpretation study carried out by the Mufassir in Indonesia. The term Mufassir is now important to revise in order to have that continuity among identity, tradition, and Al-Qur’an scientific study with their generations. The results showed that the practice of Qur'anic interpretation in Indonesia was spearheaded by Abdurrauf al-Singkil, Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani, Mahmud Yunus, Ahmad Hasan Muhammad Hashbi Ash-Shiddiqy, HB Jassin, H. Bakri Syahid, Buya Hamka and Muhammad Quraish Shihab. The conclusion told that the style of interpretation in Indonesia contains three main dimensions, namely epistemology (source / method / criteria of Al-Qur'an knowledge), methodology (how to translate the dimensions of normativity of Al-Qur'an), and historical science. Therefore, the subjective nature of the Qur'an text turned into the objective nature of science text and then ethics (functioning the relationship between AlQur'an and social reality).
Keywords : Interpretation, Mufassir, Al-Qur'an
Abstrak. Tulisan ini menguraikan tentang kajian tafsir yang digeluti oleh para Mufassir di Indonesia. Dunia mufassir penting ditinjau kembali agar terjadi kesinambungan identitas, tradisi dan reproduksi keilmuan Al-Qur’an antar generasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik penafsiran Al-Qur’an di Indonesia dipelopori oleh Abdurrauf al-Singkil, Syekh Nawawi al-Bantani, Mahmud Yunus, Ahmad Hasan Muhammad Hashbi AshShiddiqy, H.B Jassin, H. Bakri Syahid, Buya Hamka, Muhammad Quraish Shihab.Kesimpulannya adalah corak kajian tafsir di indonesia mengandung tiga dimensi utama yaitu epistemology (sumber/cara/kriteria pengetahuan Al-Qur’an yang dipakai, metodologi (cara menerjemahkan dimensi normativitas Al-Qur’an yang dipakai), historis ilmu. Dengan demikian, sifat subjektif teks Al-Qur’an berubah menjadi sifat objektif teks ilmu. Kemudian, etika (memfungsikan hubungan antara Al-Qur’an dan realitas sosial).
Kata kunci : Tafsir, Mufassir, Al-Qur’an

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30984/pp.v22i1.757

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