The Effect of Service and Profit Sharing on the Interests of Non-Muslim Customer to be Customer of Sharia Bank (Case Study At BRI Syariah KC (Branch Office) Manado)
This study aims to find the effect of Service and Profit Sharing on Non-Muslim Customer Interests to Become Customers in BRI Syariah Manado. The main problem is how much the influence of the Service and Profit Sharing toward the Interests of Non-Muslim to Become Customers in BRI Syariah Manado. The type of research used is quantitative research. The population in this study were non-Muslim customersof BRI Syariah Manado.
Data analysis techniques in this study are validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple regression test, F test and T test.
The results of this study conclude that the Regression Coefficient X1 (service) is 0.336 (33.6), service is a factor that affects the interest of non-Muslim to become customers of the BRI Branch KC (Branch Office) Manado, and the Regression Coefficient X2 (Profit Sharing) amounting to 0.410 (41.0), stating that the Profit Sharing variable has a positive influence and the most influential factor on the interest of non-Muslim to become BRI Syariah Manado customers. based on the results of these studies, it conclude that the better the Bank Sharing Profit, the better the interest of non-Muslim customers to become customers. Furthermore, it is recommended for the BRI Syariah KC (Branch Office) Manado to further improve the quality of services so that the non-Muslim community is more interested in becoming a customer at the Manado KC (Branch Office) BRI and for Profit Sharing should be more concerned by the bank, so that non-Muslims are more familiar with Profit Sharing Products.
Keyword: service, Profit sharing, interest.
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Tasharruf: Journal Economics and Bussiness of Islam is published by Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Manado
Jl. Dr. S. H. Sarundajang Kawasan Ring Road I Malendeng Manado, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia 95128
ISSN Print: 2528-0317 ISSN Online: 2528-0325