The Analysis of American and British English's Vocabularies

Maryam Lughu


The analysis of American and British English's Vocabularies. The purpose of this
research was to find out and analyze the vocabularies in American English and
British English. The research was held by using the qualitative descriptive analysis
method and library research where data made in form of words, sentences,
quotations or definitions by using the sources of data from books, articles also
journals which the data related to the analysis. It was found from the research that
although there were similarities between American and British English but it was
also found the differences, that is : (1). Past and Past Participle Forms of Verb, (2).
Past Simple Vs Present Perfect, (3). Subject-verb Agreement, (4). Prepositions, (5).
Vocabulary Differences, (6). Writing Dates, (7). Articles, (8). Auxiliary verbs, (9).
Tag questions and (10). Spelling, (11). Punctuation, (12). Stress
Keywords : Vocabularies, American English, British English

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