Pyschopathy Traits: An Analysis Of Main Character In the Novel "Mine" by Siti Nur Atika

Hasna Nurain Mukhsin


Pyschopathy Traits: An Analysis Of Main Character In the Novel "Mine" by Siti
Nur Atika. A psychopath is a person with disordered psychology who has
difficulties conforming to the social standards that exist in their surroundings.
This study focused on the psychotic aspect of Sean, a character in Mine novel.
The descriptive qualitative approach and Robert D. Hare's theory were utilized in
this study to uncover Sean's psychopathic features. The findings of this study
show that Sean possesses five psychopathic characteristics. That is,
mercilessness, possessiveness, shallow emotionality, lack of empathy, and a
sense of personal satisfaction.
Keywords: Psychopathy, traits

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