Enforcement Women in Cases of Nusyuz and Polygamy in the Perspective of Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud and its Relevance to Islamic Education (Study of Q.S. An-Nisa [4]: 127-130)

Raisa Zuhra Salsabila Awaluddin, Muh. Wasith Achadi


This paper discusses some of the provisions for dealing with women in nusyuz and polygamy. Data from Kompas.com shows that the divorce rate in 2022 will be the highest. The leading cause is not feeling love with her husband or his wife. This is what people often call nusyuz disagreement or indifference on the part of the husband and wife, but this verse only explains the husband. The problem in this paper is how surah An-Nisa [4]: 127-130 is contextualized with education in the book Tarbiyah Al-Islamiyah fi Surah An-Nisa by Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud. To get educational values and change people's views on the case of nusyuz and polygamy, the research method in this paper uses a literature study, namely, taking data from books, articles, and books. The analysis used is descriptive-analytical. The results of the writing of educational values explain that marital relationships must be reconciled well to obtain full rights. If a man wants polygamy, he should be fair, but fair treatment is challenging to apply because it has become human nature. If there is no peace in the marriage, it is permissible for you to separate in a good way


Women; Islamic Education; Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30984/jii.v18i2.2969

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