Analysis of Qur'an Tahfidz House (RTQ) Management at Rumah Tahfidz Center Lampung

Ressi Susanti, Miftahur Rohman, Rina Mida Hayati


Analysis of Qur'an Tahfidz House (RTQ) Management at Rumah Tahfidz Center Lampung. Qur'an Tahfidz House (RTQ) is one of the non-formal Islamic educational institutions that continues to maintain its existence amidst the hegemony of formal educational institutions. In its development, RTQ can be an alternative non-formal education that students can pursue to support their formal education. Using qualitative research methods, data was collected through observation and in-depth interviews; this research aims to discover management strategies at RTQ Al-Qur'any and RTQ Nurul Jannah. The research results found that: (1) curriculum management was carried out through planning, implementation, and evaluation by RTQ administrators and caregivers; (2) student management is carried out by mapping student needs, recruiting all registrants, grouping them into three levels, as well as student evaluations conducted by halaqah administrators; (3) Management of educators and educational personnel is carried out by analyzing needs, recruitment, cadre formation, as well as the development of the Asatidz council and administrative staff.


Problems; Management; Qur'an Tahfidz House

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