Investigating Students' Views on Assessment Models in EFL Classroom

Jhems Richard Hasan, Alvons Habibie


Investigating Students' Views on Assessment Models in EFL Classroom. One of the
important elements in the learning context is assessment. This study aimed at
exploring the assessment model of teachers used in the teaching and learning
process in the classroom. The model of assessment measured through students?
perception was collected from questionnaire. The survey questionnaire form
consisted of five main components to study students? perception on teachers? steps
in building assessment model. Those are planning of assessment model, presentation
of assessment model, various of assessment model in classroom, traditional
assessment model, e-assessment model and disclosure of evaluation results. Based
on the findings of this study, the test model based on students' perceptions elicited
a positive response from English teachers using the model in the classroom.
However, it should be noted that the planning for the use of the test model must be
submitted prior to the implementation of the test and comprehensive so that
students can prepare themselves adequately for the exam. Furthermore, so that
learning objectives can be achieved ideally, the use of the test model must also pay
attention to the level of difficulty and ease of each question item.
Keywords: Students? Perception, Assessment Model, EFL Classroom

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