
Author Guideliness

Submission Guidelines

Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Studies (JELTIS)

  1. JELTIS (Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Studies) accepts articles, both research paper and non-research paper on English education, linguistics, literature issues which have not been published elsewhere.
  2. For the publication, the manuscript should be typed in MS Word document, using 12 size Candara fonts, 1,15-spaced on A4-size paper
  3. Articles will be reviewed by two reviewers, while the editors reserve the right to edit articles for format consistency without altering the substance.
  4. To review, the research papers should consist of 3500 – 6000 words excluding abstract, references and appendices.
  5. Research paper should notice; (a) title, (b) full name without titles, affiliation, and email address, (c) English Abstract in 150 – 250 words, (d) key words, (e) introduction without subheading, (f) methodology, (g) findings, (h) discussion, (h) conclusion, (i) references, (j) appendices (if any).
  6. Manuscript is required to be written in an essay style.
  7. Resource citing and listing references should follow with the APA 6th edition referencing styles.
  8. Manuscript should be sent online to jeltis website ;
  9. The template is available in the following page.  Download Template