Author Guideliness
Submission Guidelines
Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Studies (JELTIS)
- JELTIS (Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Studies) accepts articles, both research paper and non-research paper on English education, linguistics, literature issues which have not been published elsewhere.
- For the publication, the manuscript should be typed in MS Word document, using 12 size Candara fonts, 1,15-spaced on A4-size paper
- Articles will be reviewed by two reviewers, while the editors reserve the right to edit articles for format consistency without altering the substance.
- To review, the research papers should consist of 3500 – 6000 words excluding abstract, references and appendices.
- Research paper should notice; (a) title, (b) full name without titles, affiliation, and email address, (c) English Abstract in 150 – 250 words, (d) key words, (e) introduction without subheading, (f) methodology, (g) findings, (h) discussion, (h) conclusion, (i) references, (j) appendices (if any).
- Manuscript is required to be written in an essay style.
- Resource citing and listing references should follow with the APA 6th edition referencing styles.
- Manuscript should be sent online to jeltis website ;
- The template is available in the following page. Download Template