Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin, Fitrana Harintama


Depicting EFL Learners' Strategies and Dilemma in Translation. The present study is
aimed at depicting EFL learners? strategies and dilemma in conducting English-
Indonesia translations. This study will employ survey design with quantitative
approach. The participants will be 124 EFL learners who are joining translation class
at English Education Department, UIN Mataram in academic year 2021/2022. The
adapted questionnaire comprises translation problems in terms of vocabulary,
culture understanding, choice of strategy, grammar and specific field of study will be
administered to participants. Furthermore, the collected data will be analyzed
statistically, portrayed into charts, and discussed with existed theories. The result of
the research showed that all strategies (Newmark, 1988) were applied by students.
However, the most dominant strategies used were recognized translation,
transference, functional equivalent, synonymy, and shifts. Similar to the analysis on
the EFL students? dilemma in translation, students experienced five dilemmas such
as facing difficulty to choose best strategy to translate, owning limited vocabulary,
getting difficult in matching SL and TL grammar, lacking of culture understanding,
and being unable to know the translation of specific term in different field. The
lowest frequency of students? acknowledgement on the dilemma was about the
understanding on TL culture.
Keywords: Translation; EFL learners; dilemma; Indonesia

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