Exploring Effective Assessment in Students’ ESP Writing Skill: A Conceptual Framework

Andi Anugrah Surya Ardhy


This study explores effective assessment in improving students' English for Specific
Purposes (ESP) writing skill. Using the PRISMA systematic literature review research
method, this study highlights the important role of assessment in building meaningful
language skills in a specific field of study. The assessment of ESP writing skill goes
beyond the mechanical aspect, focusing on communicative dimensions such as clarity,
cohesion and accuracy in a given context. An ongoing and targeted approach to
assessment provides constructive feedback to students, enabling them to improve their
writing skill strategically. The alignment between content and language skills
emphasizes the importance of accurate assessment in achieving learning objectives and
developing effective communication skills. Adopting innovative approaches, such as
Virtual Learning Object Development (VLO), illustrates ESP education's potential for
technological transformation. A paradigm shift towards appropriate assessment
methods, such as authentic and dynamic approaches, promotes contextual learning and
holistic development. Challenges in ESP assessment, including context-specific criteria
and student barriers, highlight the need for responsive and diverse teaching strategies.
By addressing these challenges and adopting appropriate assessment techniques,
educators can facilitate students' readiness to meet the communication demands of
their field of study, creating success in both academic and professional contexts.

Keywords: Assessment, Students’ ESP, Writing skill

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