Using Google Forms as an Online Learning Assessment Tool for Non-EFL Students
This research investigates the use of Google Forms as an online learning assessment
tool for non-EFL students at Institute Technology Business AAS Indonesia and to
know the strengths and limitations of Google Forms in assessing English students’
learning. This is descriptive qualitative research. The method of collecting data in this
research used observation. The analysis shows that Google Forms is a practical,
effective, and easy learning assessment tool for English lecturers in mid-term tests
and final tests in English courses. We can use Google Forms by first logging into a
Google account, making a learning assessment title, setting the initial learning
assessment, deciding on question type, making questions, making answer keys and
default scores, copying a URL link test, sharing, scoring, and analyzing the result. We
can set a time limit for taking questions/quizzes on Google Forms so students can
work on test questions on time. Google Forms offers benefits that help us to create
English tests. It is free to use, easy to use, integrated with Google Sheets, can be
easily used and shared, and data presentation from respondents can be presented in
various forms, open source, saving cost, saving time and energy, storing data
securely, integrated add-ons, having short URLs, having many choices of quiz menus,
having auto-summary and real-time survey results. However, Google Forms has
limitations including limited design and font choices, limited export options only to
Google Sheets and PDF, no email notifications, no editing/modification history, and
Google Forms cannot be used in online discussion forums. However, the pros and
downsides of using Google Forms as an online assessment tool were not discussed
in depth by the researchers. In this scenario, the researcher intends to carry out a
study on Google Forms by enrolling in the teaching site's 'English 2' course.
Keywords: assessment tool, Google Form, online learning assessment
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